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HomeBreakingKaren State receives record rainfall; Thai authorities inspect home of IDP support...

Karen State receives record rainfall; Thai authorities inspect home of IDP support group in Mae Sot

Karen State receives record rainfall

The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology stated that Myawaddy Township in Karen State had a record rainfall of 8.78 inches on Sunday – the highest amount of rain it has received in the past 12 years. This surpasses the previous record rainfall of 4.72 inches set in 2012. 

“The heavy rains began on May 1, with the most intense downpour occurring on June 9. This resulted in flooding of the lower-lying areas,” a Myawaddy resident told DVB. 

The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology warned heavy rains may cause floods and landslides in Karen and Mon states until June 23. Tanintharyi, Ayeyarwady, Yangon, and Bago regions, as well as southern Arakan State, are expecting heavy rain this week. 

Thai authorities inspect home of IDP support group in Mae Sot

Thai police and immigration visited the home of Burma nationals living in Mae Sot, Thailand on Monday. According to the residents, their home was used to store food items to be sent to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Burma. 

“We all possess valid documentation and comply with Thai law. In the room, we have stored food items that were donated,” said Nweoo Naing, a Civil Disobedience Movement (CDM) teacher and leader of the Nwe Oo Taman Revolution Support Group. 

Nweoo Naing claimed that the Thai authorities confiscated residents’ phones, showed aggressive behavior, and forced them to take down photographs of Burma’s jailed State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint – both detained on Feb. 1, 2021 during the military coup. 

Laos handed over 17 Burma nationals to regime soldiers at the Ton Pheung jetty on the Mekong River near Tachilek on May 3. (Credit: Ko Yay Khe/RFA)

Seventeen Burma nationals deported from Laos

Police in Laos handed over 17 Burma nationals at a border checkpoint in its Bokeo Province on May 3. The 13 males and four females were then taken to the Golden Triangle Regional Command in Kengtung Township of Shan State, where they were interrogated by regime troops, sources told Radio Free Asia (RFA).

“The Lao government will always deport any democracy activists back to their home country. They do not care that whoever is going to be sent back home may face torture or ill treatment,” said Emilie Pradichit, the director of Manushya Foundation – a human rights organization based in Thailand that launched a campaign calling on Laos to end deportations.

Burma nationals living in Laos told RFA that the 17 were arrested on April 13 in Ton Pheung District of Laos – where the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone is located and up to 40,000 Burma nationals are  employed – while collecting funds for IDPs in Burma. 

News by Region

CHINLAND—One civilian was killed and four others were injured in an airstrike carried out on an IDP camp in Kanpetlet Township on Tuesday. “IDPs from Kyindwe town are temporarily living at the camp. One of the injured is in critical condition,” said a Kanpetlet resident. A school and 11 buildings, including seven homes, were either destroyed or damaged by the airstrike. Chin resistance forces seized Kyindwe town on April 29. Residents have been provided shelter at IDP camps in Kanpetlet. 

MAGWAY—The People’s Defense Force (PDF) in Salin Township claimed that the Burma Army has arrested 60 male residents aged between 18-30 this month. “Thirty [of them] were arrested in the town on June 3 after the military checked their motorcycles. They were arrested for wearing black clothes, masks and having [Virtual Private Networks] on their phones,” said a PDF spokesperson. 

MANDALAY—One woman was killed and two civilians were injured by artillery in Htikone village of Singu Township on Tuesday. The Burma Army opened fire on the village after it was attacked by the PDF. “The woman who was killed by the shell was a teacher,” said a resident. Thousands of residents living in three villages of Singu Township have been forced to flee their homes due to the artillery fire.  

YANGON—Regime leader Min Aung Hlaing instructed the regional government and the military command to bring peace to Burma’s largest city and to “eliminate terrorists” at a meeting on Monday. He was reacting to regime media reports that nine were arrested for plotting to attack the opening ceremony of the Yangon-Thanlyin No. 3 Bridge on Saturday. Police reportedly found weapons in several homes of those arrested that were to be used in the attack.  

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