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Regime leader promises election in 2025; Beijing inks new agreement with Naypyidaw worth $3.6 million

Regime leader promises election in 2025

Min Aung Hlaing promised to hold elections in Burma next year after regime officials complete a nationwide population census in October. The regime leader made these comments during a meeting with his officials in Meiktila, Mandalay Region, on Saturday.

“We are preparing to conduct a census of the population and households in October, [while] preparations are also being made to hold a free and fair multi-party democratic general election next year,” he said in front of regime ministers from Mandalay, Sagaing and Magway regions.

They were ordered to increase security in anticipation of this year’s census and next year’s election. Sixty-six political parties have registered with the Union Election Commission (UEC). Fifty will run nationwide and 16 at the state and regional levels, according to the UEC.

Beijing inks new agreement with Naypyidaw worth $3.6 million

China’s Ambassador to Burma Chen Hai signed an agreement with regime officials in Naypyidaw on Friday to support 12 projects worth $3.6 million USD under the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) Special Fund, which was launched in 2016 with $300 million USD.

“Myanmar is an important participant and benefactor of LMC. China will continue to develop the Lancang-Mekong project together with Myanmar and hope that the people of Myanmar will benefit from the results of more cooperation,” said Chen Hai.  

The LMC signing ceremony on June 14 commemorated the 74th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Burma and China. Regime minister Than Swe praised relations between the two countries over the last seven decades. Burma has signed 118 LMC projects worth nearly $35 million USD since 2018.

Thailand’s new Foreign Minister wants dialogue on Burma

Thailand’s newly-appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs Maris Sangiampongsa said he wants to continue Bangkok’s push for dialogue in Burma and continue humanitarian aid deliveries launched by the previous Foreign Affairs minister and vice minister in April.

“We have to prioritize Myanmar in the security area. Furthermore, we want to be a key player in making sure a peace dialogue happens to solve the problem in Myanmar effectively,” said Maris Sariampongsa, who was appointed Thailand’s Foreign Affairs Minister on May 1 following the resignations of Parnpree Bahidda-nukara and Sihasak Phuangketkeow. 

Maris Sariampongsa announced Thailand’s new foreign policy objectives under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, calling it “Ignite Thailand, Re-ignite Thai Diplomacy.” He specifically mentioned strengthening Thai-Burma border security and working with Naypyidaw to stop illegal businesses, scam centers and drug trafficking.

Over 800 children killed since 2021 military coup

The National Unity Government (NUG) Ministry of Women, Youth and Children Affairs stated on Sunday that it has documented the death of 802 children – 11.3 percent of the total killed – since the 2021 military coup. 

From January to May this year, 175 children were killed. Last year, 355 were killed. In 2022, 177 were killed. In 2021, 93 were killed. The NUG has documented that 1,983 youth, and 1,377 women have also been killed since Feb. 1, 2021. 

News by Region

More than 1,000 Thandwe Township residents were rescued on June 14 during fighting between the military and the AA. (Credit: AA Info Desk)

ARAKAN—The Arakan Army (AA) warned residents of Maungdaw Township to evacuate immediately as it plans to attack the remaining military outposts there. “The AA ordered residents to leave the town starting on Sunday. They warned fighting could occur at any time,” said a military analyst on the condition of anonymity, who blamed the military of using residents as human shields against the AA.

AYEYARWADY—The People’s Pioneer Party (PPP) Chairperson Ye Yint Aung  was killed in Shwelaung in Wakema Township on Friday. “Two gunmen with a motorcycle shot him in front of his home,” said a Shwelaung resident. Ye Yint Aung was alleged to be a regime collaborator. No group claimed responsibility for his murder. 

CHINLAND—Chin resistance forces, known as the Chin Brotherhood, announced that fighting had resumed against the military’s Light Infantry Battalions (LIB) 304 and 140 in Matupi town, which is located on Mindat-Hakha Road, on June 13. “We promise to kick the military out of the state,” said Salai Yawman, the spokesperson for the People’s Administration of Mindat Township.

MAGWAY—Anonymous sources from the military’s LIB 50 in Gangaw Township told DVB that a Burma Army captain and wives of two LIB troops had been arrested for allegedly selling ammunition to the People’s Defense Force (PDF). “Two women are in critical condition at Gangaw Hospital after being interrogated,” added the anonymous source. 

SAGAING—Electricity in Depayin, Butalin and Kanni townships was cut on Friday. “We have to buy fuel or charcoal for daily use in this difficult time,” said a Kanni resident. Electricity was available from 9 am to 2 pm daily since June 13, according to residents. A spokesperson from the Butalin Township Electrical Managers Office said that he was instructed by the regime administration to cut all electricity to residents. 


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