Wednesday, June 19, 2024

UNICEF - search results

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Dhaka says West fuelling Rohingya crisis

Bangladesh's food minister tells US official that pressure by western nations to register Rohingya refugees is 'keeping the problem alive'

Bangladesh rejects UN help for Rohingya

Dhaka official says aid money would 'increase tension between Rohingya and locals' as rights groups criticise Bangladeshi polciy to refugees

Aftershocks continue through weekend

Several houses collapse on Sunday as government warns of likelihood of more aftershocks in quake-affected Shan state

Rare strain of polio resurfaces in Burma

Health officials launch mass campaign to vaccinate 3.3 million children after 7-year-old girl is diagnosed with the disease

Than Shwe ‘pinning hopes’ on UN

Analysts say junta chief's praise of UN's work in promoting economic and social justice is ironic given conditions inside Burma

Water returns to crisis-hit regions

Rainy season arrives and wells start producing fresh water as locals in central and southern Burma wave goodbye to lengthy water shortage

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