MNHRC - search results
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A sordid case of enslavement and torture at a Rangoon tailor shop
The four detained suspects are all members of one family that operated the Ava Tailors garment shop in the heart of Rangoon’s old colonial quarter.
UN’s Yanghee Lee visits Insein prison
Lee reportedly questioned whether female inmates are being subjected to pregnancy tests, suggesting that this is a violation of human rights.
Anniversary of violent student protest crackdown at Latpadan
Away from the presidential nomination spotlight, 10 March also marks the one-year anniversary of the violent police crackdown on student protestors in Latpadan.
Squatters cast into the cold
Burma’s national rights watchdog noted this week the destruction of over squatter's 500 homes in the Mingalardon Pyin Ma Pin Industrial Zone and Yuzana Garden City areas of Rangoon, which left close to 1000 homeless.
Ma Thandar rejects military court acquittal
Ma Thandar gives testimony in a civilian court hearing as she criticises the acquittal of two soldiers which the government says has constitutional basis.
Witness testimony heard in Par Gyi case
Ma Thandar, the reporter's widow, says she attended this third hearing after being kept in the dark about prior court dates.