Feb 21, 2008 (DVB), A boatwoman who took National League for Democracy members across the river for a religious ceremony has had her licence revoked by the authorities.
Dr Aung Moe Nyo, and NLD members and people's parliament representative from Pwint Phyu township, Magwe division, said that the woman and her two family members were left with no source of income after her licence was taken away 10 days ago.
The boatwoman took Dr Aung Moe Nyo and five other NLD members across the river to Yay Nan Chaung on 4 February after government officials had tried to make all the local boatmen sign an agreement promising not to transport them.
The woman and her two family members were arrested on 5 February and detained overnight at Salin police station.
Dr Aung Moe Nyo said the NLD members wanted to help the woman and her family as they felt responsible for her predicament.
"They are really short of money and have nothing to eat, so the NLD members feel guilty because these people are being punished for trying to help us," he said.
The group decided to bring food and money to the family, but was prevented from giving it to them by the authorities.
"NLD members from Yay Nan Chaung, Pwint Phyu and Saku township decided to help them with some money," Dr Aung Moe Nyo said.
"But the authorities found out about it and now there are police officers waiting at their house to prevent NLD members from showing up and giving these people money."
Dr Aung Moe Nyo said the group had already raised money for the family and was just waiting for the opportunity to give it to them.
"We are standing by to help these people and we are waiting to go to their house to give them support whenever we can," he said.
"We are only trying to help this poor family, and the government should not [, ] prevent poor and starving people from receiving help."
Reporting by Naw Say Phaw