The Burmese embassy in Tokyo has extended the timeframe for Burmese nationals living in Japan to submit their vote, ahead of the 8 November general election.
Initially scheduled for only two days, from 17 – 18 October, Burmese expats eager to have their say can now cast their ballot until Friday 23 October, between 8:00am and 6:00pm.
However, some Burmese living in Japan have complained their names were missing from the voting list.
A Burmese student living in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, said he was unable to contact the embassy.
“They did not answer when I called. I don’t know what to do. The traveling expense for [the trip] is not small,” he said.
Nandar Linn, an engineer based in Japan, said some concerned would-be voters have set up a Facebook page to collect the names of those who were not on the initial voter list.
More than 12,000 Burmese live legally in Japan, however the voter list released by the embassy registered just over 1,000 names.