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HomeBreakingLabor group AAC states 50 workers fired in Thailand demand rights

Labor group AAC states 50 workers fired in Thailand demand rights


Labor group AAC states 50 workers fired in Thailand demand rights  

At least 50 migrant workers have been fired from their jobs in Nakhon Pathom province, Thailand, according to the Aid Alliance Committee (AAC), a labor advocacy group in Thailand. “There have been cases where they did not receive their regular salary, and had to work overtime even on public holidays but received no pay. Workers made demands [for more rights] and were fired as a result,” Ko Ye Min, the leader of AAC told DVB. The AAC, along with the National Unity Government (NUG) Ministry of Labor, and the Labour Protection Network (LPN), filed a joint complaint with Thai authorities. The workers are demanding compensation for being fired without prior notice and documents to allow them to find new jobs. 

Ko Ye Min said that he has received numerous complaints from Burmese workers about labor violations. Burma has sent workers to Thailand under an Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement signed by the regime. Many have complained that there were no jobs for them when they arrived in Thailand. Some migrant workers have had to wait for two to three months to start working.  

Wirathu calls on young people to take up arms in support of regime

Nationalist monk Wirathu gave a sermon encouraging young people in Thayarwaddy Township, Bago Region, to form pro-regime militia groups, locals said. Wirathu arrived at Hpa Shwe Kyaw village on Feb. 19, escorted by military trucks and spoke at a donation ceremony for the village’s monastery. “He mainly encouraged youths to learn military techniques and form People’s militia groups in order to protect their homeland,” a Thayarwaddy town resident said. Wirathu was invited by the ultranationalist Ma Ba Tha association to attend the ceremony. After he spoke, Wirathu visited Thayarwaddy prison and donated food worth K3 million ($1,427 USD), according to locals.  

News by Region

MANDALAY—Three Burma Army soldiers were killed at an administrative office in Mogok Township, a resistance group told DVB. It claimed to have attacked Kathea village’s administration office. “This morning, around 5 a.m., I heard the explosions and gunfire sound continuously,” a local said. The office was damaged during the attack.

SAGAING—The junta imposed martial law in Ayadaw, Shwebo, and Wetlet townships on Feb. 22. On Feb. 2, 37 townships, particularly in resistance strongholds, were placed under martial law. 

SHAN—Two Burma Army officers were killed in an attack on the 114th Light Infantry Battalion’s (LIB) base in Naung Cho Township on Feb. 21, Pyin Oo Lwin People’s Defense Force (PDF) claimed. A PDF spokesperson said they fired artillery shells and small arms at the battalion.  

TANINTHARYI—A man and his son claim a local PDF stole a vehicle, mobile phones, jewelry and K5 million ($2,378 USD) from his home in Zalut village, Launglon Township on Feb. 22. Aung Moe, 52, said PDF fighters broke into his home and took the possessions while he was away. “I don’t know exactly how much gold jewelry was taken. Our family are not military informants or Pyu Saw Htee militiamen and we shouldn’t be facing this. We would be ok with it if we did something wrong. But they did this without a proper investigation,” said Aung Moe’s son. The PDF claims Aung Moe has ties with a pro-regime militia. “Some Pyu Saw Htee members used to sit and have tea at the tea shop they own. This makes the PDF think he has deals with them,” a local said. A Launglon Township PDF spokesperson said they are investigating the incident. According to locals, 30 PDF fighters killed a local man before they raided Aung Moe’s house.

A 100-household administrator and his wife were killed in Ywathit village in Kawthoung District on Feb. 22. The Kawthoung PDF claimed to have conducted the attack. “The pair had been working as military informants for a long time. They also threatened villagers,” a member of the PDF told DVB.

YANGON—Five people, including a 3-year-old child, were killed in Hlegu Township on Feb. 22. “I heard several gunshots in a row. No one dared to go outside to see what was going on. After that, I learned the family who sells dried shrimp was attacked. Four family members and an elderly visitor were killed,” a local told DVB. “The army came after this. They questioned the locals, but nobody knew how the incident occurred except that there was gunfire,” another local said.

The Burma Army demolished street vendors’ shops along Gangaw Street in Dagon Seikkan Township on Feb. 23. This comes after an attack at an administration office. “The shops were destroyed because the shop owners didn’t say anything about the attack. We’ve been told to destroy our own shop since Feb. 22 or else they said they will shoot and kill us. Some shop owners destroyed theirs but some did not. The next morning, all shops were bulldozed,” a street vendor told DVB.

Explosives were discovered in Kyimyindaing Township on Feb. 23. “The [Burma Army] found the explosives near a trishaw terminal close by the port [near the Yangon River]. The army took those homemade bombs and detonated them on Kannar Road,” a local told DVB. Another explosive was discovered in a nearby park in the township on the same day. A man was arrested. “The army detonated the bomb and then pedestrians were investigated,” a resident said. 

DVB Peace Documentary 2022 Finalist “Never Turning Back” is about the people treating injured civilians and soldiers in Karenni State. DVB English is on-demand via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Substack, SoundCloud & Podcast Apps.


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