Sep 23, 2008 (DVB), Taungngu elected member of parliament U Aung Soe Myint was one of 40 detainees released from Thayet prison today as part of a government amnesty.
U Aung Soe Myint was the only political prisoner among the 40 released from Thayet.
He told DVB he had been released because he had already served five years and 23 days of his seven-year sentence and should have been eligible for release after four years and eight months.
Burmese state media reported today that 9002 prisoners had been granted amnesty for good behaviour, though it is not yet clear how many political prisoners are included in this number.
The New Light of Myanmar reported that the prisoners were being released on 23 September "to enable them to serve the interests of the regions and their own and the fair election to be held in 2010".
Reporting by Maung Too