Cinemas will screen the 2023 Burmese film “Saung Ni Lay Ta Htal [A Red Blanket]” in Yangon, Naypyidaw and Mandalay on March 19-25, according to the Ministry of Information. The film depicts the Burma Army as protectors of the nation. Military families and ministry staff are expected to go to watch the film. “It is okay if they broadcast [it] on Myawaddy or MRTV [Myanmar Radio and Television] but it is not good to force the staff to watch it at cinemas,” said a source at the ministry. The film will be screened twice daily at Yangon’s Star Cinema, located inside Myawaddy Media Center starting on March 19. Ticket prices are K5,000 ($2.38 USD) and K10,000 ($4.77 USD). The film “Saung Ni Lay Ta Htal [A Red Blanket]” is directed by Pan Myo Daw, who made the 2018 film “Pyidaungsu Thitsar [Union Oath].” It stars Yan Aung, Soe Myat Thuzar, Soe Myat Nandar, L Sai Zi, Kyaw Zaw Hein, Nay Naw, who have all been criticized by the public on social media for making a pro-military propaganda film.
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