More than 600 workers from the Myanmar DYC shoe factory in Rangoon’s Mingaladon Industrial Park are continuing with a strike, demanding the removal of a South Korean supervisor they accuse of abuse and sexual harassment.
Another bone of contention, according to the workers, is that two of their colleagues were sacked after confronting the supervisor. They also accuse the firm of refusing to pay overtime.
Employees at the Korean-owned plant began a sit-in protest outside the factory on 12 November . The firm’s management rejected their demand at a meeting on 14 November, prompting the workers to continue the strike.
“The supervisor curses a lot and is very rude to us,” said strike leader Mya Sandar Oo. “He also sets impossible daily targets for us, which we cannot meet.
“We will only return to work when he is transferred. Otherwise the strike goes on.”
At a press conference on 14 November, the factory boss said the supervisor will not be transferred.
More than 1,500 people work at the shoe factory, which opened in 2014.
Read more reports of labour issues in Burma