Aug 8, 2008 (DVB), Ko Nay Linn Soe, one of 10 Muslim students who were recently sent to remote prison labour camps, is in hospital after being hit by a boulder while he was working.
According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, Ko Nay Linn Soe was injured while working at the labour camp in Mon state’s Taung Soon township where he is detained.
"Ko Nay Linn Soe had a boulder fell on top of him on Monday and he was submitted to Taung Soon hospital’s emergency ward," said Tate Naing of the AAPP.
"His family went to see him on Wednesday."
Tate Naing said Taung Soon prison labour camp was one of the most notorious prison labour camps in Burma.
"There have been suicides every month as some of the inmates cannot stand the hard work and the pain anymore," he said.
"A lot of inmates there also die from several diseases due to the lack of health assistance," he went on.
"It is very rare for an inmate to go home alive after being sent to the camp."
Tate Naing criticised the Burmese authorities for holding young people in hard labour camps.
"All these youths should be sent back to the main prison , if not, there will be growing pressure from the international community and the regime will have to defend itself against accusations of crimes against humanity in the future," he said.
Ko Nay Linn Soe was one of 10 Muslim students sentenced to two years' imprisonment last month and sent to hard labour camps for their participation in demonstrations in September 2007.
Reporting by Naw Say Phaw