Thai state-owned firm PTT Exploration & Production (PTTEP) has successfully drilled gas in three of its four wells in Burma’s offshore M3 Block, industry sites announced on Friday.
The wells Aung Sinkha-3, Aung Sinkha-4, Aung Sinkha-5 and Aung Sinkha-6 were drilled between February and August, according to the website of Natural Gas Asia.
Wells 3, 5 and 6 were confirmed by PTTEP as flowing while the fourth Aung Sinkha well was reported to have hit gas but was unable to test further because of technical complications.
Oil and gas magazine Upstream quoted the Thai firm on Friday saying that the Aung Sinkha-3 well flowed at a rate of 34.5 million cubic feet per day with associated condensate of 195 barrels per day.
“The Aung Sinkha-5 well flowed at 9 MMcfd, while the Aung Sinkha-6 well flowed at 14 MMcfd plus associated condensate of 1820 bpd,” it said.
“A fourth well called Aung Sinkha-4 hit gas but was unable to be tested because the equipment necessary for acidising limestone reservoirs could not be prepared, said PTTEP.”
Upstream quoted PTTEP as saying that it plans to drill more appraisal wells in 2014 on the Aung Sinkha field.
PTTEP owns an 80 percent operating interest in Block M3 with Mitsui Oil Exploration holding the remaining 20 percent.