Two children are dead after military jets led airstrikes against refugee camps in Kayah State’s Hrpuso township at 1 a.m. early Morning morning. The camps, in Rikubu, had been housing residents of Moso who had fled after troops razed the village with arson attacks in late December.
An aid worker based in western Hrpuso said that four bombs were dropped over two camps by a pair of fighter jets, killing three people including a 5–year-old and a 15-year-old child.
The charred corpses of 35 people, including children and a journalist, were discovered in burned out vehicles in Hpruso township on Christmas day.
“At around 1.00 a.m. this morning, four bombs detonated within two Rikibu refugee camps, whilst one hit another camp which had been deserted. The bombs killed three people — but the number injured has not been counted as all the camp’s refugees ran away,” he said.
He added that a two young girls, 5 and 15 years old, and a 50-year-old man were killed in the bombing.
The camps in Rikibu village had held roughly 5o refugees who had fled nearby Moso after troops set the village on fire at the end of December.
“Most of the women and children from Moso village fled to the Rikibu refugee camps. There were also some men and elders,” the aid worker said.
The western Hpruso region where yesterdays airstrikes took place is currently home almost exclusively to refugees. Another aid worker told DVB that the deliberate bombing of the area was “unacceptable”, and a deliberate targeting of those fleeing military brutality.
The previous evening, the Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) had reported that three young charity workers were killed when the Burmese military launched airstrike against Loikaw and Nang Mae Khon village in Kayah’s Demoso township.
Intense fighting continues in Kayah State, now site of Burma’s most extensive refugee crisis. BURMESE