Jan 28, 2008 (DVB), 88 generation student leaders Min Ko Naing and Ko Ko Gyi have been charged with offences under the press law, according to lawyer U Aung Thein.
The two leaders, who have been detained without charge since August 2007 due to their involvement in protests over commodity prices, were charged under section 17/20 of the Printers and Publishers Registration Law.
Their families found out about the charges when they visited them in prison.
88 generation student leader Ko Soe Htun said that eight others had also been charged under the press law.
Ko Jimmy, Ko Mya Aye, Ko Marki, Ko Aung Thu, Ko Min Zeya, Zaw Htet Ko Ko, Ko Aung Naing and Ko Tin Htoo Aung were also charged under section 17/20 and remain on remand in Insein prison.
Reporting by Aye Aye Mon and Maung Too