Farmers in Mandalay’s Pyin Oo Lwin township, whose land was confiscated last year by the Bureau of Air Defence and High-Tech Concrete Co. Ltd, are preparing to take legal action against both bodies in an effort to recover their land.
Myint Thwin, an attorney providing legal aid for the farmers in Pwin Oo Lwin’s Magyibin village, said the lawsuits would be filed within a few days. The attorney will also send a notification to the BAD demanding compensation be paid in the next two months.
Three farmers — Khin Htay, Tin Yi and U Kalar — are filing a lawsuit against High-Tech Concrete’s manager and demanding 44 million Kyat in compensation for the land taken by the corporation.
“[High-Tech Concrete] took around 39 acres of land belonging to three local farmers,” said Myint Thwin.
The BAD also seized land from three other farmers in the same village on a separate occasion.
Ohn Kyaw, Nyo Toke and Tin Aung are asking the BAD to pay 62.4 million Kyat in damages.
“The BAD, after confiscating land from the farmers, is renting the land out back to them,” said Myint Thwin
He said a lawsuit would be filed against the BAD if they failed to provide compensation.
“Since the case involves government officials, we have sent out a two-month notification to the [BAD], which is required by the law,” said the attorney.
High-Tech Concrete Co. Ltd is a subsidiary of Olympic Co. Ltd, which is owned by well-known business tycoon Aik Tun. The tycoon is the former owner of Asia Wealth Bank, which was closed in 2005 on charges of money laundering.