Two pilots and a 10-year-old school girl have died after two fighter aircrafts crashed yesterday.
The ministry of Information released a statement yesterday that said the two military F-7 fighter jets crashed due to bad weather while practising moves in the air. The plane crashed in a village in Magwe, central Burma.
One military aircraft crashed after it hit MPT’s telecommunications tower near Minbu town, Magwe, while the other crashed near Thanutbinsu village. The two crashed no more than eight miles apart.
“Two aircrafts have crashed this morning. One crashed near the village area and another one crashed near the Sarpwet creek in Minbu town around 7:30am,” said Kyaw Swan Yee, Hluttaw representative for Minbu Township stated yesterday.
“A schoolgirl died from injuries hit by pieces of crashed plane,” he added.
The girl was attending Grade five in Minbu town, and she died later in hospital.
The military aircrafts immediately exploded and destroyed instantly into pieces.
Pyithu Hluttaw representative Win Win, who reached the field in the west of Thanatbinsu village in Minbu Sku Township said: “We are waiting for the officials from the Air Force in Minbu township. We saw the body of the pilot along with pieces of the aircraft.
Magwe Division’s chief minister Aung Moe Nyo and military officers visited the places where the aircraft crashed.