Saengjuen Sarawin (also known as) Sein Kyi, deputy editor of Shan Herald Agency for News (S.H.A.N) passed away yesterday morning at Chiang Mai’s Maharaj Nakorn Hospital from liver cancer.
Sarawin, revolutionary-turned-
He also published and assisted with books such as ‘Where to, Shan State?’ and ‘Generals’ village’ as well as writing news and articles on politics, philosophy, developments and poems.
He was also one of the founders of Freedom Way music band and known for writing revolutionary Shan Songs including the well-known song ‘Year of the great hell’ which portrayed about the Burmese government’s ‘Four-cut system’ in Shan State from 1996 to 1998 where over 300,000 people were subjected to forced relocation.
Khunsai Jaiyen, editor of the S.H.A.N. who worked with Sarawin for more than 28 years said he had told him to continue working for Shan nationalities and the democratic generation as well as to raise a new generation of Shan activists.
Sarawin is survived by his wife Nang Loi Yein, two sons and a daughter.