An Insein Prison Court delivered the death sentence to seven Dagon University students on Nov. 30. The Dagon University Students’ Union announced that Khant Zin Win, Thura Maung Maung, Zaw Lin Naing, Thiha Htet Zaw, Hein Htet, Thet Paing Oo and Khant Lin Maung were convicted for the murder of Lt. Colonel Saw Moe Win under Section 302(a) of the Penal Code. The seven defendants face two more charges and are not allowed to have legal counsel, or mount a defense, in military court.
The Insein Prison Court sentenced four other young men to death on the same day, Nov. 30. They were convicted for the murder of a ward administrator in North Dagon last May. Sources close to the prison department state that the seven students sentenced to death will be executed by the state at 4.44 p.m. on Dec. 7 at Insein Prison. Last July, the junta executed four democracy activists, including Ko Jimmy and Phyo Zeyar Thaw without any notice given to the families. The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (AAPP Burma) states that a total of 128 individuals have received death sentences since the 2021 coup.