Jan 29, 2008 (DVB), Insein prison officials have forbidden high-profile commodity protester Ko Htin Kyaw from receiving family visits for one month without giving a reason, according to his wife.
Htin Kyaw’s wife Ma Than Than Maw said she only found out about the new restrictions imposed on her husband when she went to Insein prison yesterday and prison officials refused to let her see her husband.
"I don’t know why he has been banned from receiving family visits for one month," said Ma Than Than Maw.
"Now I won't be able to find out the latest updates on his situation anymore, or news about his lawsuit and court appointments."
Ma Than Than Maw said she was very worried in case anything happened to Htin Kyaw and she was not able to find out about it.
Htin Kyaw has been in detention since 25 August for his role in instigating fuel price protests.
He staged a month-long hunger strike at the end of last year to call for the release of all political prisoners.
Reporting by Maung Too