Burma Army continues to use landmines
Twenty-five years have passed since the International Mine Ban Treaty was adopted. Only two countries continue to actively use antipersonnel landmines: Burma and Russia, according to the Landmine Monitor Report 2022. It states that Burma’s junta has scaled up the use of landmines across the country following last year’s coup. Human Rights Watch stated: “From February 2021 to September 2022, 157 civilians were killed and 395 injured by landmines and explosive remnants of war in Myanmar. About one-third of the casualties were children. The military has placed landmines in homes, village pathways, church compounds, and farms.”

Indian foreign secretary meets with junta officials in Burma
India’s Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra made a diplomatic visit to Burma Nov. 20-21. He met with military officials and reportedly discussed border management, security, bilateral projects, and “India’s support to democratic transition in Myanmar.” New Delhi’s response to last year’s military coup has been muted and Indian officials have continued to maintain ties with Burma’s junta.

Martial artist Aung La N Sang offers words of encouragement for fans
Mixed martial artist Aung La N Sang, known as the “Burmese Python,” expressed his support for the people of Burma following his victory against Japan’s Yushin Okami at the ONE Championship 163 event on Nov. 19 in Singapore. “I want to say to you all not to feel depressed. Show love. And the main thing is not to give up. No need to be afraid at all. And stay brave,” he said in Burmese. “The last two years have been super hard for us people in Myanmar… I want to encourage the fans. Be united, stay strong, don’t ever give up,” he said in English.
News by Region
YANGON—One person was injured in an explosion at a public toilet located in Thakhin Mya Park, Ahlone Township on Nov. 20. “One bomb was detonated. The other one did activate yet. The military found and removed it.” a resident told DVB. The injured man was sent to the hospital. At least seven people have been killed and seven have been injured in attacks this month across Yangon.
A grocery store owner was killed in Thaketa Township on Nov. 21. Three unidentified men killed the owner and stole his money and gold. The victim’s two daughters were reportedly beaten. “This is a chaotic period. A robbery even happened at a grocery store,” a local said.
A 100-household-administrator was shot in Hlaing Tharyar Township on Nov. 20. It is reported that four unidentified men entered the man’s house and opened fire. “I heard four gunshots. I am not sure if he is dead or alive,” a local told DVB. There are unverified reports that a woman was also injured.
Attacks occurred at a North Okkalapa ward office and the Waibagi Police Station on Nov. 20. “I heard the sound of ambulances and I saw three military vehicles,” a resident told DVB. There have been no reported injuries.
The military council has evicted residents living near the sports stadium in Mayangone Township. Residents were ordered to leave. Those that didn’t had their homes bulldozed on Nov. 21. “We have been living there for about 30 years. I bought my land and house from the original owner,” one displaced resident told DVB. The ward was home to nearly 300 people. This follows another eviction last week in the same township, as 150 homes were bulldozed on Nov. 19. Since the military coup, evictions have been taking place across the country, most significantly in Yangon.
RAKHINE—Jailed Chief Minister U Nyi Pu requires medical treatment, according to his family. “My father has had glaucoma in his left eye since he served as the Prime Minister. I learned that his condition has deteriorated since he has been in prison. We are not allowed to see each other. I want to give him medical treatment,” his daughter told DVB. U Nyi Pu has been held at Sittwe prison since the coup, along with other former state ministers.
TANINTHARYI—A 14-year-old boy was killed and his 12-year-old sister was arrested by the Burma Army in Launglon town. “I don’t know why the military chased and shot them. They opened fire while they were patrolling,” a resident told DVB.

DVB PICKS—The Mental Health Myanmar team discusses the social stigma around mental health awareness in Burma on the Ah Nah Podcast. DVB Picks recommends the best on Burma in English each week. Stay tuned.