Burmese workers in Thailand facing uncertainty
At least 1,060 Burmese migrant workers employed at an electronics factory in Samut Sakhon province, Thailand were laid off on April 1. Another 300 coal miners will lose their jobs at the end of April. The workers arrived in Thailand under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement between Burma and Thailand, according to the labor advocacy group Aid Alliance Committee (AAC). “They were told in advance that they would be laid off. A compensation of one month’s salary was also issued. They only worked for four to five months. It will be difficult for them to find another job since a large number of workers have become unemployed,” said Khaing Gyi, the AAC director. Burmese migrant workers must pay around K3 million ($143 USD) per person to find jobs in Thailand. Layoffs have been reported in Hat Yai, Songkhla province, where 50 construction workers have lost their jobs. Migrant workers under the MOU bilateral agreement are allowed to work in Thailand for up to four years.
Mizoram group meets with the CDF to discuss killings
India’s Mizoram civil society group the Central Young Lai Association (CYLA) met with the Chinland Defense Force (CDF) on April 1, Times of India reported. The CYLA believes the CDF may be responsible for the murder of three people from Mizoram. The three were killed and their burned bodies were discovered in CDF territory on March 22. One victim’s relative accused members of CDF-Mindat of killing them. The CDF-Mindat claimed that they are not responsible and have launched a manhunt for the killers. Thousands of Chin people from Burma have fled into India’s Mizoram State for sanctuary since the 2021 military coup.
Chinese-operated fuel tanker departs Yangon
CNTIC VPower Energy, a vessel that stored liquefied natural gas intended to help supply energy to Burma, departed Thilawa port on March 30. The ship was operated as a joint venture between the Hong Kong-based VPower Energy and the Chinese state-owned CNTIC. It initially arrived in November 2020. “The coup occurred after we had prepared to distribute electricity. So, our operations were unable to continue. The junta is not looking into that project as it might be scared of spending foreign currency. I don’t know how the company was operating during the contract period,” said a spokesperson at the Ministry of Electricity and Energy. VPower and CNTIC claimed that the vessel can transmit 750 megawatt per day and the contract for the project was intended to last from 2020-2025.
News by Region
KACHIN—Forty people who sought shelter at Buddhist monasteries after fighting in Shwegu erupted last week were forced to return home despite insecurity on April 2. “About 20 police and military personnel arrived and forced the displaced people to return,” a local told DVB. Hundreds of people fled their homes to monasteries during fighting on March 30-31 between the Burma Army and the coalition forces of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and People’s Defense Force (PDF).

KARENNI—Twenty-seven civilians and 41 resistance fighters were killed in 106 battles since January, states the Progressive Karenni People Force (PKPK). It reported that 126 airstrikes destroyed six places of worship and 164 other buildings. The PKPK claimed that 320 Burma Army soldiers were killed in the fighting.
KAREN—One elderly person was killed and four others, including two children, were injured by an artillery shell in Hpapun (aka Mutraw) District on April 2, the KNU claimed.
MON—At least 128 undocumented Rohingya, including six children, were arrested in Chaungzon Township on April 2, regime media reported. The Rohingya were being transported on a boat along the Salween River when apprehended.
Three locals were injured during fighting between the Burma Army and Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) in Thaton Township on April 2, according to the Karen National Union (KNU). Locals claimed that the Burma Army has been firing artillery shells into the KNU Brigade 1 territory in Thaton Township.
YANGON—The regime wants restaurants to contribute K300,000 ($143 USD) and factories to pay K200,000-K500,000 ($95-238 USD) for the upcoming Thingyan festival. “The administrative officials have collected money. I am unwilling to pay them K300,000, and that is why I closed my restaurant a week ago. I have no money,” said a restaurant owner in North Okkalapa Township. Local officials claim they are collecting funds to pay for this year’s Thingyan festival.
Check out our latest story in collaboration with DW Asia about a couple who fled Burma to make a new life for their son in Thailand. DVB English is on-demand via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok & Substack.