Friday, October 1, 2021
Burma’s National Unity Government (NUG) has sent a letter to the Chinese Communist Party on the occasion of the National Day of the People’s Republic of China, stating that the NUG government is ready to partner with China in promoting friendship. A letter sent by Union Prime Minister Mann Win Khaing Than expressed the NUG’s best wishes for the health and happiness to all the people of China. The minister added in his letter that the founding of the People’s Republic of China, born from the Chinese Communist Revolution, was an act of the people of China determining their destiny, and that it opened a new era of the country’s history, thereby obliquely referencing Burma’s current struggle. The letter also suggested that neighbors Myanmar and China have “established strong and unique relations for many years” and are “working closely to ensure peace and stability for the people of both countries”.
The People’s Revolution Army (PRA) announced that they will soon begin striking Tatmadaw camps after acquiring sufficient manpower and weaponry in the eight months from the start of the coup. During that time, the PRA stated that it has hosted nine military training sessions and that it has been officially recognized by NUG. The group boasted that it is comprised of guerrilla forces capable of deploying across the country. The group were involved in a bombing of a state administration office in Naypyidaw yesterday night.
75 winners were announced today for the pilot project of NUG’s Spring Lottery. Winners were chosen by a random computerised selection system, with 62 out of 75 immediately choosing to donate their prizes to causes related to the resistance. NUG’s Ministry of Planning, Finance and Investment announced on September 15 that 70 percent of income from ticket sales would be used to support CDM civil servants. The junta has repeatedly threatened that anyone buying or selling tickets will be sued and arrested, whilst floating its own plans to launch its own lottery— Aungbalay— with an online ticket system. Aungbalay ticket sales had collapsed by over 80 percent since a boycott was launched after the coup.
Four cases filed against Aung San Suu Kyi under the Anti-Corruption law were heard at the Special Court in Naypyidaw today. On one of the charges, that Suu Kyi had received bribes consisting of gold bars and US dollar cash, Phyo Min Thein, the detained former Chief Minister of Yangon, was called as a witness for the prosecution. Suu Kyi’s lawyer reported that the former minister testified against the State Counselor, repeating allegations which had previously been aired months ago (in a video which many believed to have been deep-faked) on state-media. Lawyer Khin Maung Zaw said that Phyo Min Thein “seemed to be depressed and didn’t once look at DASSK, even when he walked in front of her”. The former chief of Yangon was widely seen as a trusted and much loved politician during the democracy period.
Norwegian telecoms provider, Telenor, sent a memo urging customers to take caution around its telecommunication infrastructure following the military’s placement of mines near a number of towers.
KAYIN —A clash broke out this morning between the KNU and the Tatmadaw in KNU Brigade 6’s Kawkareik township. The KNU’s opened fire after troops trespassed onto KNU territory. Local media group, the KIC, reports that four soldiers were killed and three others were wounded, including a G1 officer. At the end of the battle, a Kawkareik-based Tatmadaw battalion fired heavy artillery at villages close to the battle.
A splinter group of the DKBA today opened fire on a military convoy that was patrolling a visit by the Tatmadaw’s Southeastern Commander. Four soldiers, including a captain, were reportedly killed in the attack, and a G1 officer was shot in the leg.
KACHIN —A grenade was thrown at the Road Transport Administration Department office in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State, this morning. No casualties were reported but the blast caused damage to the building, a local source said. Locals assumed the attack could be vengeance for the recent seizure of motorcycles and unlicensed vehicles.
22 out of 25 prison staff from Putao Prison tested positive for COVID-19 yesterday, according to a close source to Putao District Public Health Department. The prison recently experienced internal anti-military protests led by inmates.
CHIN —Around 10 soldiers and police officers joined the Chin National Defense Force (CNDF) during September, the CNDF announced. One soldier from 268 LID in Falam, a sergeant, and a chief police officer from Thibwar military base yesterday joined CDM with full-equipment. The CNO/CNDF said that they gave rewards to the men and provided them safe passage.
Nearly 1,000 residents of Mindat have fled their homes amid ongoing fighting in the state and sought temporary shelter in churches, the Union of Catholic Asian News reported. Civilian houses, including that of a Christian priest, convent schools, and hostels were destroyed by Tatmadaw artiliery on September 22. According to the report, around 150 Christians, including children, women, and elders, have taken refuge in a Catholic Church, and around 100 civilians are sheltering at a Buddhist monastery in Kyaukhtu, Magway Region. According to a source, this is the second time that the group have sought refuge in the institutions, the first occasion coming in May when 10,000 civilians fled Mindat amid military raids. Around 8,000 people fled nearby Thantlang last month after a raid led to the death of a Christian pastor and the destruction of at least 19 homes. Reports suggest that more than 16,700 people have been displaced in Chin State since May.
A defense force representing members of Burma’s Gurkha ethnic group has announced that it has formed and will partner with Tamu PDF / Chinland Defense Force.
NAYPYIDAW —The Directorate of Defense’s Procurement Office in Bayintnaung ward, Pobbathiri township, was attacked with explosives yesterday evening, according to local sources. The bomb detonated inside a vase under the office’s portico and caused extensive external damage to the building, according to security forces. A local resistance group claimed responsibility in alliance with the PRA.
YANGON —A 40-year-old motorcycle taxi driver, alleged to be a military informant, was shot dead yesterday in Hlegu, according to local sources. The man had survived a previous assassination attempt in August. No group has claimed responsibility for the killing.
MANDALAY —An alleged military informant from Myay Thant Taung village, Nyaung Oo, was shot dead by the MGN Tiger Group this morning. A husband and wife, also accused of being military informants, had earlier been attacked whilst riding a motorcycle in the town. The woman died after being shot five times. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the killing.
Methamphetamine and ketamine with an estimated street value of K18,000 million has been seized inside a truck that was stopped near Pyi Gyi Mingalar Truck and Lorries Terminal in Amarapura.
SAGAING —19 out of 33 village heads from Htee Chaint township in Katha resigned last month, local sources said. The administrators quit after warnings from local PDF groups.
Cargo vessels plying the Monywa-Hkamti route of the Chindwin River have ceased operations due to rising fuel prices. The price of a 50 gallon tank of diesel has risen from K250,000 to K400,000. A round trip of the route typically takes ten tanks full of fuel, with many operators saying the cost has made business inviable. Locals fear food and supplies shortages could hit Hkamti.
A major was killed and three other soldiers were severely injured after an explosion hit a tea shop near the Kyun Hla township administration office this morning. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.
Two police officers were killed after a bomb detonated at an inspection gate near Monywa’s Za Lote circle this morning, according to a witness. An alliance between resistance groups, Monywa The Boys and Monywa UG, took responsibility for the blast.
Five people, including a five-year-old girl, were killed in a three-pronged military attack on Pyindaung village in Khin U early this morning. It was later discovered that the child, who was shot in the back whilst fleeing with her mother, was the daughter of a Tatmadaw soldier. Troops had reportedly acted on a tip off from a military informant, razing a house suspected of hosting PDF fighters.
MAGWAY —The Yaw Defense Force (YDF) claims that four soldiers were killed and many others were wounded after their vehicle hit a landmine in Saw this morning. The YDF and allied CAF-MGPDF also claimed responsibility for the bombing of a group of soldiers that had been marching on the town this morning. More than 30 soldiers have been killed in six days of skirmishes in Saw.
SHAN —Many of Lashio’s stores have closed due to the sharp depreciation of the kyat relative to China’s RMB. On September 29, it was reported that RMB100 had recently risen from pre-coup levels of K20,000 to K40,000. There are reports of an exodus of Chinese currency brokers following a crackdown on the group by security forces. Many wholesalers and fuel sellers have also paused operations.
The Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS/SSA) issued a statement calling on Shan EAOs the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Shan State Progress Party (SSPP/SSA) to end their use of force and begin negotiations. RCSS/SSA said that a letter to General Pan Fa, chairman of the SSPP/SSA had gone unanswered. The RCSS said that it fears the Tatmadaw is encouraging TNLA and SSPP troops to pass freely into its territory to launch operations, and that it is deeply saddened by the increasing casualties on both sides. Internecine fighting between Shan EAOs has recently caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.
BAGO —An NLD Hluttaw representative for Thayawady township was arrested by the junta on Thursday night. Kyaw Ko Ko Sein, who won a seat in the 2020 general election, was arrested after returning to his parents’ home after going into hiding in February, according to a source close to the family.
*All stories are based on breaking news, and are reported with information that DVB receives in real time. DVB will update stories on our social media pages or website as and when new or more accurate information becomes available.