Dec 11, 2008 (DVB)-National League for Democracy member Ohn Kyaing was released from Rangoon’s Insein prison today and escorted home by police Special Branch agents, NLD spokesman Nyan Win said.
"We are glad to hear of his release but we are not very pleased that an innocent person was detained for that long," Nyan Win said.
Ohn Kyaing was heavily involved in relief efforts before his arrest, and had visited the delta areas affected by Cyclone Nargis about 10 times.
Interrogators tried to get Ohn Kyaing to admit that he had received tens of millions of kyat from exiled political organisations for carrying out bomb attacks and not for assistance to cyclone victims.
He has repeatedly denied the accusations.
Ohn Kyaing, 64, who is also known by the nom de plume Aung Wint, is the MP-elect for Mandalay’s Southeast township and a researcher for the NLD.
He had been imprisoned for 15 years in total before his latest arrest.
He had also expressed his support for U Win Tin and praised him for energising NLD members after the long-serving political prisoner was released on 23 September.
Reporting by Khin Hnin Htet