Oct 24, 2007 (DVB), The Burmese government continues to target National League for Democracy members in new arrests, while some previously detained NLD members have been charged or released.
Ongoing arrests
In Irrawaddy division, about 30 NLD members have so far been detained since the anti-government demonstrations began.
Ko Thein Swe, youth coordinator of the NLD in Irrawaddy, was arrested at his house at midnight on 22 October, a few days after the arrest of Khin Htun, a communications committee member of NLD in Ma-au Bin township, at his home on 16 October.
In North Dagon township, Rangoon, NLD member Ko Thant Zin narrowly escaped being arrested at his home on 21October.
Commenting yesterday on the charging of two other NLD members, NLD spokesperson Nyan Win said that he believed the arrests were intended to prevent the NLD from operating.
"It wasn't only NLD members who protested. In fact, there were even some of us who did not join the protests but were arrested later anyway," Nyan Win said.
NLD members released
Among those released was Khin Mar Lar, the wife of Amarapura poet Nyein Thit, who was arrested on 1 October when security forces were unable to locate her husband.
Khin Mar Lar was released from New Mandalay prison on 21 October, along with Mandalay NLD members Sein Hla Aung and Saw Lwin, lawyer Thein Than Oo, and Moegok NLD member Thin Thin.
Bogalay township NLD members; U Than Myint, Ko Kyaw Myo, Ko Min Thu and Daw Kyin Than, were released yesterday afternoon at around 2pm.
U Aung Kywe Wakalma township NLD member, and U Hla Aung, of NLD in Nyaung Don township, have been released in the past week.
Khin Wine and Aye Ko, members of the NLD in Zeegone township in Bago division, have also been released recently.
"Unlawful assembly" charges
Six NLD members in Bogalay township in Irrawaddy division, including chairman Aung Khin Bo, have now been charged.
In Magway, Magwe division, NLD member Myint Oo and another members have been charged, as have Par Lay and three other members of Taung Twin Gyi township NLD.
All were charged under section 505(b) of the penal code for causing public alarm or disturbing public tranquility, which carries a possible two year sentence, and section 143, for unlawful assembly, which could result in six months' imprisonment.
Ko Nay Lin Aung, a resident of Irrawaddy division's Pan Tanaw township, who was arrested in Rangoon in September, has been transferred to Insein prison, but it is unclear if he has yet been charged.
Reporting by DVB