Aug 12, 2008 (DVB), Two 1990 elected members of parliament from the National League for Democracy were arrested at their houses in the early hours of this morning, according to NLD spokesperson U Nyan Win.
Nyan Win said the two were taken in by special branch police at around 2am.
"Two of our MPs, U Nyi Pu and Dr Tin Min Htut, were arrested from the houses where they were staying in Rangoon by the special police at around 2am last night," said U Nyan Win.
U Nyi Pu is people’s parliament representative in Gwa township in Arakan state while Dr Tin Min Htut is an elected representative in Irrawaddy division’s Pantanaw township.
Both men were among the signatories of a letter sent to United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon at the end of July, in which they declared their opposition to the 2010 elections and expressed concern about the UN stance on Burma.
The letter was signed by five 1990 elected representatives and questioned the UN's change from its original aim of bringing about national dialogue to its current urging of all groups to join the government's road map to democracy.
Reporting by Aye Nai