A Burmese government delegation travelled to the northern Thai city of Chiang Mai earlier this week to hold ceasefire talks with the Shan State Army-South (RCSS/SSA).
The negotiations followed a meeting in Naypyidaw on 31 October between the government team and the Shan State Army-North (SSPP/SSA).
Hla Maung Shwe from Myanmar Peace Center (MPC) headed the government delegation in Chiang Mai on 2 November.
RCSS spokesman Col. Sai La said, “The government delegation explained the current situation in Burma, especially the recent quadripartite talks involving President Thein Sein, the Commander-in-Chief, parliamentary representatives and political party leaders, as well as issues surrounding the signing of a nationwide ceasefire, and subsequent political dialogue.”
The Shan State Army- South intends to sign a ceasefire agreement, Sai la said, but is still in discussions on whether it will sign together with other groups or insist on a separate accord.”
Nyo Ohn Myint from MPC said no significant progress was made at the talks this week.
“The RCSS side said it will sign a ceasefire and then participate in political dialogue,” he told DVB on Wednesday. “Then, they will be able to concentrate on regional development issues. That’s what they told us. We responded that we would pass the message along to Minister U Aung Min.”
RCSS delegates included Col. Sai La and Lt-Col. Khur Ngeen, while MPC’s Hla Maung Shwe, Nyo Ohn Myint and Tin Maung Than sat on behalf of the government. Pyidaungsu Institute director Khuensai also attended the meeting in his capacity as an RCSS advisor.
On 31 October, the Shan State Army-North, or RCSS/SSA, met with the government’s Union Peace-making Work Committee Vice-chairman Thein Zaw in Naypyidaw.
RCSS representative Capt. Sai Phone Han said that talks focused on forming a committee to monitor regional stability and development cooperation. He said the Burmese army has proposed a committee with five representatives from both sides, while the RCSS/ SSA wish to see Shan political parties and civil society groups in attendance.
He said Thein Zaw’s delegation have passed the matter to senior officials.