Chiang Mai rally to denounce the death penalty in Burma: “Stop executing our friends”
University students from Thailand and Burma staged a rally at the Three Kings Monument in Chiang Mai, Thailand on Dec. 6, 2022. They denounced the military council’s planned execution of seven student activists from Dagon University in Yangon. The university students did performance art and read a poem from Min Ko Naing. They raised awareness about the planned executions in Burmese, Thai and English.
Karenni Creative Christmas Market: A Fundraiser for IDPs
The Karenni community hosted a fundraising event in Chiang Mai for internally displaced people (IDPs) in Burma on Dec. 3-4 at the Chiang Mai Drama Center. The event was a part of the Creative Christmas Market organized to raise funds by selling traditional Karenni snacks and Christmas cards made by students living in the IDP camps along the Thai-Burma border.
Shan New Year Celebration in Thailand
The Shan New Year was celebrated Nov. 21-22 at Wat Welu Wanaram monastery in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This year was the first time to celebrate after a two year hiatus because of the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions. It featured traditional Shan foods, fun games, and a live Shan musical concert.