Mar 17, 2008 (DVB), Two key leaders of the All-Burmese Federation of Student Unions, Ko Kyaw Ko Ko and Ko Nyan Linn Aung, were arrested by authorities on Sunday, group members said.
ABFSU spokesperson Ko Linn Htet Naing told DVB that Kyaw Ko Ko and Nyan Linn Aung were arrested last night by government officials but would not give the location of the arrest.
"ABFSU leaders Ko Kyaw Ko Ko and Ko Nyan Linn Aung were arrested last night," said Linn Htet Naing.
"Arresting people like this will not bring democracy to anyone."
Ko Kyaw Kyaw, leader of youth activist group Generation Wave, was also arrested by authorities on 13 March, Linn Htet Naing said.
Reporting by Aye Nai