- It is reported that residents in several townships in Yangon region said the strangers have come to create unrest situations or other criminals such as trying to set fire in townships at night-time. There have been similar situations happening in other big cities, Myitkyina and Mandalay at night-time. By defending themselves, some residents have been banging pots and pans to be chased away by police or to protect other criminals because there have been night-raides of CDM staff and other people.
- The military announced on Feb13 evening a notice calling for civil servants to return to work. The military expressed they(civil servants) have been failing to serve the country for various reasons, and noticed “it is a criminal offense for misconduct and negligence, and that can be prosecuted under the Civil Service Law. Therefore, it is announced to return to work as soon as possible during the wake-up call”.
- The 7 well-known social influencers were ordered to have arrest warrants. Military issued on Feb 13 night an order to arrest warrants including high-profile 88 pro democracy activities, Min Ko Naing and Jimmy, and Lin Lin(Singer), Insein Aung Soe(writer), Myo Yan Naung Thein(political analysis), Ei Pencilo(social influencer) and Maung Maung Aye(a television presenter). The military order said “ the use of a well-known opportunity to undermine public orders and sharing on social media, is charged under Section 505 (b) of the Penal Code in the relevant courts. If it is anyone who accepts those 7 people, will be punished in accordance with the law”.
- The military issued on Feb13 that amendment of “The Ward or Village Tract Administration Law”. The law was amended in some sections including the supplementation of the overnight guest list section. According to the amendment supplementing section, overnight guest lists are to be reported to the local authorities. If it is absent to report they will be fine or imprisoned.
- The Military-operated Myanmar’s State Administration Council issued feb 13 an order of amendment “Protection of the citizen for the personal freedom and personal security Law” (Privacy Law) by suspending section 5, 7 and 8. The amended law said that “the sections(5,7,8) were amended in accordance with section 420 of the constitution and should be considered only during the period when the State Administrative Council has been assigned to delegate state power”.
The suspended sections in summarizing: section 5 (A): except in accordance with the existing law, the relevant Ministries and officials have to protect anyone of personal freedom and security and everyone must be protected from any harm. Section 5 (b): Under any existing law, if it wants to make an arrest, searching or storing in a person’s home or apartment, it is required to work with at least two witnesses, including either the administrator of the ward or village tract, or village head or head of household. Section (7) : Except as permitted by any existing law, no one shall be detained for more than 24 hours without the permission of the court.Section (8): Without the permission of the President or the Union Government, no one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with personal privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon person honor and reputation on following personal security such as,
- No one have permission to monitor or surveillance of personal background information, investigation that can damage or harm personal reputation
- No one shall intercept, listen or disturbed to personal conversations with any communication device
- No one have permission to release or demand or obtain personal telephone and electronic communication information from telecommunications operators
- No one shall be allowed to open, search, store or destroy anyone’s personal envelope or package or parcel
- No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with anyone’s privacy, nor to attacks upon anyone’s honor and reputation